TRANG CHỦCÁC SẢN PHẨMPOMLUCEL POM FW-715C Nguyên liệu thô ứng dụng công tắc phun


Các sản phẩm

  • LUCEL POM FW-715C Nguyên liệu thô ứng dụng công tắc phun
  • LUCEL POM FW-715C Nguyên liệu thô ứng dụng công tắc phun
  • LUCEL POM FW-715C Nguyên liệu thô ứng dụng công tắc phun
  • LUCEL POM FW-715C Nguyên liệu thô ứng dụng công tắc phun
  • LUCEL POM FW-715C Nguyên liệu thô ứng dụng công tắc phun

LUCEL POM FW-715C Nguyên liệu thô ứng dụng công tắc phun

Polyoxymethylene (POM), also known as polyacetal or acetal, is a high-density, high-crystallinity thermoplastic engineering plastic, commonly referred to as Delrin or engineering plastic steel. It is polymerized from formaldehyde and mainly divided into POM homopolymer (POM-H) and POM copolymer (POM-K). This material is widely used in various engineering applications due to its excellent physical, mechanical, and chemical properties, especially its friction resistance.

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  • Cấu trúc sản phẩm

Polyoxymethylene (POM), also known as polyacetal or acetal, is a high-density, high-crystallinity thermoplastic engineering plastic, commonly referred to as Delrin or engineering plastic steel. It is polymerized from formaldehyde and mainly divided into POM homopolymer (POM-H) and POM copolymer (POM-K). This material is widely used in various engineering applications due to its excellent physical, mechanical, and chemical properties, especially its friction resistance.

POM materials have high-density crystallinity without side chains, exhibiting superior comprehensive performance. It is a smooth, glossy, hard, and dense material, typically pale yellow or white, capable of long-term use in the temperature range of -40°C to 100°C. POM's wear resistance and self-lubrication surpass most engineering plastics, and it also has good oil and peroxide resistance. By adding UV agents, its UV resistance can be significantly improved.

POM FW-715C is a specific grade of POM, natural in color and granular, suitable for injection molding. Its tensile strength at 23°C is 54 MPa, with a static friction coefficient of 0.09 and a dynamic friction coefficient of 0.11. POM FW-715C has an elongation of 35%, with high flexural modulus and flexural strength of 2900 MPa and 78 MPa, respectively. Regarding thermal deformation temperature, it is 160°C at 0.45 MPa and 125°C at 1.8 MPa in an unannealed state.

Additionally, POM FW-715C has low Taber wear and good cantilever beam notched impact performance, with values of 10 mg/1000 cycles and 6.12 kJ/m² at room temperature, respectively. Its specific gravity is 1.48 g/cm³, with a shrinkage rate of 1.7% in the flow direction and 2% in the vertical direction. The material has a Rockwell hardness of 70 and a fire rating of UL94 HB for thicknesses ranging from 0.95 to 2.9 mm, suitable for black, white, and red materials.


Hành vi cơ học Tình trạng Tiêu chuẩn Giá trị Đơn vị
Độ bền kéo Nghỉ 23°C ASTM D638 54 MPa
Hệ số ma sát Tĩnh Tiêu chuẩn ASTMD3702 0.09  
Hệ số ma sát Năng động Tiêu chuẩn ASTMD3702 0.11  
Độ giãn dài 23°C ASTM D638 35 %
Tiber hao mòn   Tiêu chuẩn ASTMD1044 10 mg/1000cy
Mô đun uốn 23°C ASTM D790 2900 MPa
Độ bền uốn 23°C ASTM D790 78 MPa
Tác động của Izod Notch   ASTM D256 56.12 kJ/m2
Tác động của Izod Notch 23°C ASTM D256 6.12 kJ/m2
nhiệt Tình trạng Tiêu chuẩn Giá trị Đơn vị
HDT Không ủ 0,45MPa ASTM D648 160 °C
HDT 1.8MPa không được ủ ASTM D648 125 °C
Tài sản vật chất Tình trạng Tiêu chuẩn Giá trị Đơn vị
Tỉ trọng   ASTM D792 1.48 g/cm³
co ngót Chảy Tiêu chuẩn ASTMD995 1.7 %
co ngót xFlow Tiêu chuẩn ASTMD995 2 %
độ cứng Tình trạng Tiêu chuẩn Giá trị Đơn vị
Độ cứng Rockwell M(Tỷ lệ) ASTM D785 70  
Tính dễ cháy Tình trạng Tiêu chuẩn Giá trị Đơn vị
Flame Rating Black, white, red 0.95-2.9mm UL94 HB  


POM CF-620

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